In order to apply for German citizenship, Israeli-born radio playwright Noam Brusilovsky needs confirmation from his employer – the ÖRR – that his integration in Germany has progressed.
In return, Brusilovsky is to stage Goethe’s “Faust” as a radio play. However, he has never read it – which the prominent cast must not notice!
So the ‘director against his will’ has the “Faust” told to him by pedestrians and explained to him by various experts and thinks about which previous directorial ideas he could steal for his “Faust”.
Radio play by Noam Brusilovsky
Südwest Rundfunk 2 / Deutschlandfunk
27.11.2022 first broadcast
17.12.2022 Dlf Kultur
Awarded as Radio Play of the Month November 2022 by the German Academy of Performing Arts.
Mit: Bibiana Beglau, Itay Tiran, Walter Kreye, Matthias Leja, Almut Henkel u. a.
Dramaturgie: Andrea Oetzmann