How could methods of healing and therapy be used for decades to abuse children and adolescents? In Carinthia the answer was: through ignorance, indifference and institutionalized turning a blind eye …

Even 20 years after the conviction of the pediatrician and therapeutic pedagogue Franz Wurst for involvement in the murder of his wife as well as sexual violence against numerous children and adolescents at public institutions, decades of institutional violence remain an open wound in Carinthia. The publication of this case marked only the beginning of many years of social reappraisal and the thematization of so-called “total institutions”. How could violence on such a large scale remain invisible behind the walls?

The visible and the invisible, as well as the possibility of telling about it, are the focus of Noam Brusilovsky’s documentary production, which features actors*, residents of the city, and young people from the Stadttheater’s drama club. In a staged “guided tour” through the city, the sites of the events and their history are subjected to a re-examination on stage. Using curative education research literature, victims’ accounts and voices from the city, the closed structures of the institutions are broken up on stage and the different narratives are woven together acoustically and visually. This creates a play between what can be seen and what can be heard – between what one thinks one knows and what one can only guess.
The young Israeli director Noam Brusilovsky presents himself in Klagenfurt with this work about a Carinthian trauma.


PREMIERE 07.04.2022

further Dates:


09.10.2022 ORF III

Directed by Noam Brusilovsky

Stadttheater Klagenfurt (AT)

Awarded with the NESTROY Spezialpreis 2022

Research, Dramaturgy: Lotta Beckers
Stage, Costumes: Magdalena Emmerig
Video: Tin Wilke
Dramaturgical advice: Hans Mrak
Scientific advice: Ulrike Loch, Astrid Liebhauser
Theatre pedagogical support: Mag. Katharina Schmölzer
Actors*: Petra Morzé, Axel Sichrovsky, a.o.